Time management strategies

 The two articles that I read on time management strategies were ' Increase your creative output with 14 time management tips just for creatives ' by Amanda Oliver and ' How to beat procrastination ' by Caroline Webb.

The first article focuses on time management skills for creative people. As someone who would consider themselves a creative and more visual person I found a lot of the advice in this article very useful. Rather than focusing on lists, deadlines and rigid schedules this article focuses on working in a way that suits you the best. Point 3 focuses on working at a time that suits you best which I found helpful as I find that when I have to do larder tasks I perform better at them later in the day. I found the 6th point very helpful, this point focuses on doing the ' worst ' thing first. I find that when I have multiple tasks to do I find myself leaving the task I would enjoy the least or find the hardest to the end. This article suggests that instead of putting off that task to get it over and done with first so you can enjoy the rest of your work a bit more.

The second article I read focuses on beating procrastination. Procrastination is something that I struggle with, I've spent so many hours doing anything but the one thing that I have to do in the past and its something I would like to overcome. This article suggests that we procrastinate because we struggle with tasks that ' promise a future upside in return for efforts we take now '. This article recommends that we instead work on visualising the feeling of accomplishment that we will receive when we finish the task. This shift in focus may lead to us actually wanting to work towards completing the task at hand as it gives us that feeling of success to work towards. There is also a suggestion to publicly commit to a deadline in this article. Telling someone that you will present your work to them at a certain time makes us more likely to actually complete the work for that time.

Time management illustation

I believe that the methods of time management covered in these two articles will be incredibly beneficial to me as I continue to work.


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