Planning for my game

 My aim for the game I am creatin is to create something that is simple yet entertaining. I am using flash games and mobile games as my inspiartion. I want to create something that will keep the player playing the game while not making the game overly complex because I believe that this is an effective approach to game design. At the moment I have a few ideas.

Idea 1, A catcher game

My first idea is for an endless catcher game. The aim of this game would be to see how long you can last playing before you meet the requirements to end the game. These end requirements could be something like catching too many of a certain item or possibly loosing too many items to an enemy. This game takes inspiartion from the various mini games in the Mario Party series where the aim of the mini game was to catch the most amount of an item in order to win. 

Fruit Forecast from Super Mario Party

Idea 2, A pet simulator
My final project for the first semester was a pet simulator game, unfortuantly because of my lack of experience in Unity I did not get the game to the point where I thought I would. I underestimated ow complicated making this type of game would be but I would love to take another try at it. I believe with a better understanding of unity and how to code in C# I may have a better result.

Idea 3, A puzzle game
Recently I have gotten back into the Professor Layton series, this is a series of puzzle games where you must solve a variety of puzzles in order to complete the story. I think making a collection of puzzles inspired by the ones seen in this series would be an interesting project.
Professor Layton


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